📄️ Accordion
A collapsible component for showing and hiding content, ideal for FAQs, product details, and more.
📄️ Alert
A robust alert component that helps to communicate messages to the user, with support for various visual styles.
📄️ Button
A versatile button component that allows users to trigger actions or events, such as form submission, dialog opening, action cancellation, or deletion.
📄️ Card
A versatile card component for displaying content in a structured layout, suitable for profiles, product details, and more.
📄️ Checkbox
The `ty-checkbox` component is a custom web component for checkboxes. It provides enhanced features like custom events, disabled states, and more.
📄️ Combobox
A combobox component allows users to choose from or search a list of options, ideal for form inputs, settings pages, and filters with a need for search functionality.
📄️ Date Picker
A date picker component for users to select dates, ideal for forms, scheduling applications, and event management.
📄️ Input
The `ty-input` component is a custom web component for input fields. It supports various input types and has built-in accessibility features.
📄️ Menu
The ty-menu component is a custom web component for menus. It provides enhanced features like custom events, flexible positioning, and works in conjunction with ty-menu-item components.
📄️ Modal
A modal component for displaying content in a dialog overlay, with an optional close icon and support for accessibility.
📄️ Popover
A versatile popover component for displaying contextual information, ideal for help texts, additional details, or interactive content.
📄️ Radio
The ty-radio component is a custom web component for radio buttons. It provides enhanced features like custom events, disabled states, and more.
📄️ Select
A select component for users to choose from a list of options, ideal for form inputs, settings pages, and filters.
📄️ Skeleton
The `ty-skeleton` component is a custom web component for creating skeleton screens. It provides a placeholder preview of content before the data gets loaded.
📄️ Snackbar
The ty-snackbar component is a custom web component for displaying brief, temporary messages. Ideal for feedback messages, alerts, or quick information to users. Supports various styles and placements, and auto-hides after a specified duration.
📄️ Table
A collection of flexible and customizable table components designed for displaying tabular data.
📄️ Tag
A versatile tag component for categorizing or labeling content.
📄️ Text
The `ty-text` component is a versatile tool for displaying text in various styles and sizes. It offers flexibility for rendering different types of text content, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.
📄️ Theme
The `ty-theme`` component is a custom web component for managing and toggling between light and dark themes. It uses Material Design 3 Color utility to generate theme colors ensuring high contrast and accessibility compliance.